Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
The health, safety and wellbeing of our learners and our community is our ultimate priority.
As the current situation changes rapidly, we continue to monitor and act on advice from Queensland Health to provide the appropriate response to the coronavirus (COVID-19).
Offroad 4WD training & Tours has implemented the following procedures to mitigate potential risk and reassure confidence;
- We have adopted a ‘Non-contact policy’ which includes no handshakes or person to person contact. This does not apply to members of the same household, however we hope that you will limit contact as much as possible.
- We encourage Social Distancing of 1.5m minimum for everyone attending our training days, both staff and learners.
- All staff with any health concerns will stay home and take direction from health professionals if they feel sick that day. If you feel sick before or during any training session, please let someone from Offroad 4WD Training & Tours know.
- Alcohol based hand sanitiser and disposable face masks will be provided at all training activities.
- We use disposable, fully recyclable cups and cutlery for any meals provided. Rubbish bin will be provided to collect both refuse and recyclables. Please use the bins to prevent the possibility of cross-contamination when we clean up after training.